ArtWins Arizona and ArtPrize are teaming up again for Pitch Night Arizona – an annual one-night event where an Arizona artist will leave with a $10,000 grant to create an ambitious work of art in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids during the fifteenth ArtPrize event this Fall, September 18 – October 4, 2025. ArtPrize is one of the world’s largest art competitions. It is also the most attended public art event in the world, routinely attracting nearly 800,000 visitors, and it features some of the largest cash prizes in the art world.
The Pitch Night Arizona winner will also become eligible to win a share of $400,000 cash prizes, including a $100,000 grand prize awarded by public vote and a $100,000 grand prize awarded by an art jury.
The competition is open to all artists residing anywhere in Arizona.
Proposals may be 2D, 3D, installation, performance art, film, video, music, digital/VR, or design.
The venue will be DeVos Place Convention Center, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, during ArtPrize 2024. Artists may submit proposals for either an indoor or outdoor location. The exact location for the art will be determined through consultation with the curator of DeVos Place Convention Center and the winning artist.
Questions about Pitch Night Arizona should be directed to info@artwins.org.
Entries should be submitted on or before midnight on Tuesday, April 1st 2025 by visiting the ArtWins Arizona website at www.artwins.org and clicking on the “submit” link.
Arizona artists are invited to submit proposals to have their art featured at DeVos Place Convention Center, in the heart of Grand Rapids, Michigan at ArtPrize 2025. This is one of the most heavily trafficked venues at ArtPrize,
Art may be 2D, 3D, installation, performance art, film, video, music, digital/VR, or design. Electricity and internet are available. Proposals may be for an indoor or outdoor location. Total weight and all dimensions (HxWxD) must be included.
After the submission deadline of midnight on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, a jury will select five artists as finalists. Finalists will be notified on or before Thursday, April 3, 2024. Each of the five finalists will give a five-minute presentation to a panel of six expert judges, in a live event the evening of Thursday, April 10, 2025 at a location to be determined in the Metro Phoenix area. This live event will be free and open to the public. The panel of judges will view all the presentations, then ask follow-up questions of the artists. The panel will select the winner, awarding the winning artist a grant to realize their proposal during ArtPrize 2025. The winner will also be eligible to receive a share of an additional $400,000 to be awarded by the public and art jurors during ArtPrize this Fall, including a $100,000 public vote grand prize and a $100,000 juried vote grand prize.
Between now April 1, 2025, Arizona artists may submit a proposal with the following guidelines:
Maximum of 500 words;
• Artist CV;
• Sketch/rendering of the proposed work;
• Dimensions (HxWxD) of the proposed work;
• Weight of the proposed work;
• Whether electricity or internet connection is needed;
• Whether you need an indoor or an outdoor location;
• Up to five images.
Go to the ArtWins Arizona website (www.artwins.org) and click “Submit”. You will be prompted to upload your proposal including the above information. Give us an idea of what you’d present at Pitch Night, and how you would like to activate a space inside or outside of DeVos Place Convention Center. Questions can be sent to info@artwins.org.
We strongly recommend checking out the submission portal in advance of the deadline.
ArtPrize is open to any artist working in any medium, but Pitch Night Arizona is only for artists currently living anywhere in the State of Arizona. All ArtPrize eligibility rules apply. Artists must be 18, and collaborative groups are welcome. There are more eligibility requirements in the Artist Rules on the ArtPrize website at www.artprize.org.
If you’re one of the five artists selected to present to the judges, you’ll have five minutes to make your pitch – the details are up to you. You may include slides or video. Be entertaining and informative. Be prepared to answer the judges’ questions. Above all, you’ll need to convince the judges that your project is the best, and that the grant will help make it possible.
Several things. One, we’ll register you as an artist on artprize.org at no cost (normally registering as an artist costs $65). We’ll connect you with DeVos Place Convention Center, because every artist in ArtPrize must be officially connected to a venue on artprize.org. We’ll give you the $10,000 grant as a lump sum. It’s up to you how you use those funds to install the artwork (materials, shipping, travel, etc.). You’ll then work with the curator of DeVos Place Convention Center to select the perfect location for your winning art. You’ll also connect with an installation coordinator to work out the details of installing the work before ArtPrize begins on September 18, 2025. The art work must be fabricated, transported to Michigan, and installed at DeVos Place Convention Center ready to be viewed on or before September 18, 2024.
Located in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids, DeVos Place Convention Center has been at the epicenter of ArtPrize every year over the last decade, and it is among the most heavily visited venues annually at ArtPrize. Artists will have the opportunity to activate an area inside or outside of the Convention Center, virtually without restriction, for ArtPrize 2025.
The Convention Center is a very large venue which stretches along the Grand River to the west, Monroe Avenue to the east, and the historic Amway Grand Plaza hotel to the south. It is one block away from the Grand Rapids Art Museum and Rosa Parks Circle, and in close proximity to local hot spots such as Studio Park, Monroe Center, and many other cultural attractions in the city.
Art may be 2D, 3D, installation/public art, performance art, film, video, music, digital/VR, design, or any other type of artistic expression.
Proposals must indicate if an indoor or outdoor location is needed. The total weight and dimensions (HxWxD) must be specified in the proposal. Proposals should also indicate if electric power or an internet connection is needed for the art (both are available).
Outdoor Location:
Outdoor art may be located in front of the Convention Center on a concrete surface facing Monroe Avenue. A 10’ x 10’ pad with 110v electric is available.
If the art will be installed outdoors, it must be able to withstand Michigan weather in the Fall, including potential wind and rain. It must be able to exist outdoors for the entire 17-day duration of ArtPrize.
Indoor Locations:
Skywalk Gallery: can accommodate 2D pieces utilizing a gallery hanging system to install paintings, drawings etc. with a maximum height of 118 inches and maximum width of 63 feet. 3D pieces may be a maximum 6ft x 6ft foot print and maximum height of 118 inches. Track lighting is in place.
Skywalk Hallway: a lengthy corridor running between the Convention Center and the historic Amway Grand Plaza hotel. The hallway is 15” wide and has an area measuring 6’ above a chair rail to the ceiling. Track lighting is in place.
Skywalk Lobby: a larger open area in the Skywalk Hallway. The Lobby is approximately 24’ x 24’ and the height is 136” from floor to ceiling.
Please send an e-mail to info@artwins.org if you require further information regarding potential indoor or outdoor locations.
Take-down will begin on Monday, October 6, 2025.
The exact location for the art will be the perfect spot as determined through consultation between the curator of the Convention Center and the winning artist, following the announcement of the grant winner.
Skywalk Gallery at DeVos Place:
Skywalk Hallway at DeVos Place:
Skywalk Lobby at DeVos Place: